Aviva Introduces Ride-Sharing/Uber Coverage
Aviva Canada has announced coverage for drivers that carry paying passengers in their own vehicles, including ride-sharing and Uber drivers.
Aviva Canada has announced coverage for drivers that carry paying passengers in their own vehicles, including ride-sharing and Uber drivers.
Aside from the damage that is caused when pipes freeze, expand and then burst, thawing them can cause more harm than good.
As the holiday season begins, Meester Insurance Centre would like to offer some tips to help make it safe and enjoyable.
Effective January 1, 2016, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) will require all Ontario insurance companies to provide a winter tire discount for drivers who install winter tires.
Cyber Liability is quickly becoming a growing concern for businesses of all sizes
Migrating waterfowl could be carrying avian influenza as they pass over farms both in the fall and spring time.
Let’s face it – the warm summer months are quickly coming to a close.
Are you at risk for a data or privacy breach? Insurers have seen the need and started rolling out Cyber Liability products aimed at filling that void.
With so much on the line... you can't afford to compromise.